Dear Couple,
Congratulations on the announcement of your intention to enter into the sacred and joyous Sacrament of Matrimony with one another! It is by administering this beautiful sacrament to each other that you, as a couple before the witnesses of your church community, your family and friends, reveal the awesome union Christ has with his bride, the Church. The wedding covenant is a major commitment that is life changing and forever. It is a journey of joy and faith. In light of the religious significance, we trust that you will heed to the careful planning and prayerful attention needed as you go forward to attain your goal.
We, the parish community of St. Edward, in turn pledge to you our dedication in all matters you will need along the way. Below, we have incorporated some of our guidelines in order to help you start the process of marriage preparation. It is our sincere hope and prayer that your marriage preparation and marriage will be filled with the grace and spirit of God. May the Lord bless you abundantly.
In Jesus Christ,
Rev. Albert Lahens Jr.
Approaching The Preparation for Marriage And The Wedding Day
The Sacrament of Marriage is a covenantal union in the image of the covenants between God and his people with Abraham and later with Moses at Mt. Sinai. This divine covenant can never be broken. In this way, marriage is a union that bonds spouses together during their entire lifetime.
The sacrament of Matrimony signifies the union of Christ and the Church. It gives spouses the grace to love each other with the love with which Christ has loved his Church; the grace of the sacrament thus perfects the human love of the spouses, strengthens their indissoluble unity, and sanctifies them on the way to eternal life. (CCC 1661)
The love in a married relationship is exemplified in the total gift of one’s self to another. It’s this self-giving and self-sacrificing love that we see in our other model of marriage, the relationship between Christ and the Church.
Marriage is based on the consent of the contracting parties, that is, on their will to give themselves, each to the other, mutually and definitively, in order to live a covenant of faithful and fruitful love. (CCC 1662)
The Church takes the lifelong nature of the Sacrament of Marriage seriously. The Church teaches that a break in this covenant teaches goes against the natural law of God:
The remarriage of persons divorced from a living, lawful spouse contravenes the plan and law of God as taught by Christ. They are not separated from the Church, but they cannot receive Eucharistic communion. They will lead Christian lives especially by educating their children in the faith. (CCC 1665)
We believe that God exists in eternal communion. Together, Father, Son and Holy Spirit are united in one being with no beginning and no end. Human beings, likewise, were created by God in God’s image for the purpose of communion with another human being.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “The Christian family is a communion of persons, a sign and image of the communion of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit” (CCC 2205). The Sacrament of Marriage is “unitive, indissoluble and calls us to be completely open to fertility.” Christian marriage at its finest is a reflection of God’s self-giving love expressed between the love of two people.
Today, more than ever, the church has a grave responsibility to help our people enter into a marriage that gives promise of being grace-filled, happy and successful. We ask you to read over all this material carefully. Hopefully you will find the answers to most of the questions you have. Here is a summary of the first steps to take in this process:
A confirmed date for the wedding will be set only after the priest/deacon has had sufficient opportunity to meet with you, the engaged couple, to take care of necessary documentation and to arrange for your participation in the instructional process according to diocesan guidelines and requirements. It is your responsibility to secure the confirmed date with your priest or deacon before making commitments with reception halls, caterers, etc.
Once the wedding date is secured, you will be asked to leave $250 of your stedwardship (or tithe) as a sign of your commitment toward married life.
It is necessary to obtain permission from the parish that you currently attend to get married at St. Edward Catholic Church.
If you reside within the Archdiocese of Miami, preparation for your wedding can take place either in your own parish or at St. Edward. If you reside outside of the Archdiocese of Miami, preparation for your wedding will take place in your own parish, and the planning for the wedding ceremony will take place at St. Edward. If this is the case, your Parish's responsibility is to prepare a document called a Litterae Testimoniales/Nihil Obstat: it states that you have permission to be married, all the documentation has been secured and appropriate marriage preparation instructions have been provided. The Litterae Testimoniales/Nihil Obstat along with the premarital documents are sent to their diocese's Marriage Tribunal.
Christian marriage is a serious and sacred commitment that calls a man and a woman to each other in a most profound and permanent way. Christian marriage calls a couple to become a visible sign of Christ's unconditional and faithful love. It demands a living faith on the part of the couple and awareness that they are entering into a covenant not only with each other, but also with God.
Our parish, along with the Policies and Guidelines of the Archdiocese of Miami, have established a marriage program to help you understand the Sacrament, its vocation and its responsibilities. In order to help you in your vocation to the married life, you are expected to contact the parish office at least nine months (preferably, one year) prior to the date on which you hope to celebrate your wedding. This time period is the minimum needed to accomplish three goals:
You will be asked to participate in a premarital inventory: Fully Engaged. It is a Catholic catechetical premarital inventory designed to help engaged couples solidify the foundation upon which they, together with Christ, will build their Sacrament of Marriage. Grounded in Church teaching and loaded with catechetical content, this dynamic premarital inventory is a trustworthy guide that meets the real challenges today's couples face. It will help you grow in your Catholic identity by smoothly integrating Church teaching into its materials.
After having completed an initial meeting and the premarital inventory, the clergy assigned to your formation will continue with you for the Pre-nuptial Interview or interviews. This will give him the opportunity to develop an interactive dialogue with you about family history, values, spiritual understanding of marriage, practical aspects of the wedding, general expectations and some discussion about the topics found in Fully Engaged.
A Pre-nuptial Questionnaire is done individually and will evaluate your canonical capacity and freedom for marriage. Once the priest/deacon has discerned your intentions and assessed your freedom to marry in the Catholic Church, the date for the wedding may be set but not sooner.
Please keep in mind that the wedding preparation process is designed to help you assess your readiness for sacramental marriage. During this time, an issue may arise that deserves more time and attention. it is better to address these issues during the preparation period when steps can be taken to resolve differences before the marriage commitment is made.
You will need to provide a recent copy (not older than 6 months) of your baptismal certificate, obtained upon request at the church of your baptism. Your baptismal certificates must be brought directly to the priest/deacon guiding your formation. If you were baptized within the Archdiocese of Miami or anywhere within the United States, you can either call or e-mail the church of Baptism requesting a copy of your records.
The following information should be submitted for this petition:
If you were baptized in another country, and a copy is not obtainable through relatives or friends in the country, use the copy you may have in your records to contact the church in that country. The Internet can be a valuable tool in this process. The details of your baptism, especially the date, can be provided to that church in order to help them search through their records. These records can be difficult to obtain and may take some time to acquire.
In an interfaith marriage, a baptized non-Catholic is asked to present a record of Baptism, if possible. For the baptized Catholic, a recently issued Confirmation Certificate is also requested but is not required.
Under the direction of guidance of the priest/deacon, you will be invited to participate in workshops/encounters required for marriage at St. Edward Catholic Church. This gives you an opportunity to reflect and listen to the Christian community's practical, wise understandings and experience of marriage.
Helping you prepare to embrace God's plan for the Sacrament of Matrimony is an honor and a privilege. In today's climate, it is also a challenge. Therefore, you will be asked to participate in a workshop-style marriage preparation program that is designed to meet that challenge. They offer a comprehensive approach to the marriage preparation that covers not only the sacramentality and theology of marriage but the practical life skills necessary to live out the rich Catholic vision of marriage.
Applications/Registration for these programs will be provided for you or are available at the Archdiocese of Miami Family Life website.
Transformed in Love is a program that responds to the pastoral challenges of current cultural attitudes towards marriage and family. It is designed to help couples build strong foundations for a lasting union through faith, sacraments, practical skills by integrating human and faith formation, sexuality and dimensions of everyday living such as household responsibilities, work, raising children, holiday celebrations and finances.
Camino del Matrimonio is offered in English and Spanish and is designed to help your relationship through the dialogue of talks that most affect the success of a marriage. The talks will be on improving your communication as a couple, the different stages couples will experience during the relationship, individual needs, topics on family and relatives, parenting, finance, how to resolve conflicts, God living in your marriage and much more. Please keep in mind that your priest/deacon may have specific recommendations as to which program may be more suitable for you.
It is your responsibility to send applications and clearly follow instructions outlined. Your marriage plans with us are evaluated in the measure you manifest honesty and seriousness towards this vocation and the fulfillment of all that is asked of you.
You are about to enter the experience of your life! Commitment, Fidelity and Openness to Life become the central words that are at the heart of an experience that will be much more than just a lifetime of romance in your marriage. Married Love or Conjugal Love is God's way of binding you and your future spouse together for life. To help you on this journey, you may be asked by your priest/deacon to attend some scheduled workshops introducing you to NFP. The dates will be provided to you if applicable. We hope this challenging way of life will help you better understand the crucial presence of God in conjugal love.
Weddings are scheduled with respect to your wishes and subject to the availability of the church. There are certain times when marriages cannot be celebrated. This includes Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation, Holy Week and certain other special days.
At St. Edward, most weddings are scheduled similar to the following:
The importance of the celebration calls for this to be a time of prayer, reflection and final preparation. The wedding rehearsal sets the tone for the ceremony the next day; it also allows members of your wedding party to become fmiliar with the environment and the roles they will assume as part of the liturgy. Please remember that in the spirit of modesty, dignity and decorum desired for your wedding ceremony should extend to the rehearsal.
Since there may be other activities that regularly get scheduled on the same evening, it is expected all participants will be on time.
Your ceremony will take place in a sacred place. Accordingly, apparel for the bride, the groom, the entire wedding party and all participating in the liturgy should reflect a spirit of modesty, dignity and decorum.
Modesty protects the mystery of persons and their love. It encourages patience and moderation in loving relationships; it requires that the conditions for the definitive giving and commitment of man and woman to one another be fulfilled. Modesty is decency. It inspires one's choice of clothing. It keeps silence or reserve where there is evident risk of unhealthy curiosity. It is discreet. (Catechism of the Catholic Church #2522)
When in the church - for rehearsal, decorating or the ceremony itself - one should always be properly dressed. Keep this in mind especially when selecting dresses for the bride and bridesmaids. Please avoid dresses with plunging necklines, high slits, immodestly short skirts and those that expose bare shoulder, are strapless or completely backless. If the style of dress you choose for yourself of your attendants is revealing, please make arrangements for a shawl or wrap to be worn for any activity taking place within the church. Men should never wear hats inside the church.
Care should be taken in choosing young children for the wedding party, since sometimes a large social gathering such as a wedding may be overwhelming. The child may become upset and not be able to perform their role in the ceremony. It is our experience that children five years and older are best suited for these roles.
The church wedding is both a religious and valid civil ceremony. You will need to provide a valid Florida Marriage License. The Marriage License can be obtained from the Marriage License Office at the County Courthouse (Broward)(Miami-Dade)(Palm Beach).
DO NOT GET CIVILLY MARRIED IN THE COURTHOUSE. Carefully follow instructions you will be provided by your priest/deacon. It is your responsibility to purchase, obtain and surrender the civil license to your priest/deacon two weeks prior to the wedding date. In order to avoid the three-day waiting period legally required by the State of Florida and obtain a discount, you need to present proof of formal marriage instruction at the Marriage License Office in the form of a certificate. This certificate is given to you at one of the workshops previously discussed. Please discuss freely any situations particular to your own history with the clergy preparing your marriage. The wedding cannot be performed without the civil marriage license. Second marriages, etc. require additional documentation.
We believe that while our church was built with a specific architectural design in mind, it remains simple and inviting as it is. When planning for flowers and decorations, please keep in mind the nature of the Liturgical Season during which the wedding is taking place. Seasonal decorations (flowers, plants, candles, etc.) are part of the liturgical environment and may not be removed or rearranged for weddings. For example, the presence of the Advent Wreath. Flowers are not permitted in the church during the Season of Lent and should be kept to a minimum during Advent. As for Christmas and Easter seasons, the church is already beautifully decorated with Christmas trees, poinsettias, Easter Lilies and more. Any flowers or decorations you may wish to add to the church ought to enhance the ceremony and not distract from it. Keep in mind that the altar is the focal point of the church and should not be obscured or ignored. No decorations or flowers may be placed upon the Altar itself. Two or three bouquets are permitted in the church near the Altar.
St. Edward Catholic Church reserves the right to decline placement of any item that will be viewed as inappropriate for this sacred space. We strongly suggest speaking to your priest/deacon early to ensure approval is given well in advance.
For reasons of safety and maintenance:
Please understand that our church is used for Masses and other Sacraments before and after weddings. Your care and attention in this matter is greatly appreciated. Your florist is encouraged to visit the church prior to the wedding if they are not familiar with our layout of color scheme. We encourage such visits to be scheduled in advance to allow a member of our staff to be present to answer questions.
Finally, please note we do not have facilities staff available during most wedding times. All decorations or flower arrangements must be carefully removed from the church immediately following the ceremony. This is the responsibility of the wedding party unless arrangements are made with the florist.
To provide a meaningful remembrance of the liturgy and sacred vows, we do allow video and still pictures to be taken in the church. Therefore, it is important that all photographers/videographers conduct themselves with reverence while on church property. The celebration of a wedding is foremost a sacramental moment. We encourage you to schedule a time to have these professionals visit the church with a member of our staff to become familiar with these requirements.
To maintain the high dignity of the ceremony and the quality of the prayer, the following guidelines must be followed by professional and amateur photographers/videographers:
Please work with your wedding photographer ahead of time to decide which shots would be most appropriate for this area. We appreciate your help in asking your photographer to introduce themselves to the priest/deacon prior to the beginning of the wedding celebration.
If a need exists, our staff have had exceptional experiences with several photographers/videographers who are familiar with our guidelines and the church itself. Feel free to inquire if a referral is needed.
Livestreaming went mainstream with the outbreak of COVID-19 in Spring 2020. While we understand some may be restricted from attending the wedding in person, streaming of the ceremony is discouraged but provisions can be made if approved well in advance. To maintain the high dignity of the ceremony, the following regulations exist:
Because you have chosen to invite Christ to make your love a sacrament, the music you choose for your wedding should express this unique and distinct encounter. Emphasis during the wedding ceremony should be on God's love for you, your love for God, the love of the community for you, your love for them and how these support and confirm your love for each other.
A church wedding is not only a very personal event; it is also a sacrament of the church. As such, the religious nature of the ceremony must be carefully preserved. However meaningful some music may be to the couple personally, the principle that governs the sacredness and acceptability of the wedding music is of greatest importance. With all due respect to other styles of musical expression, only liturgically appropriate music may be used at weddings.
The parish requests that you also honor the tone of the liturgical season that corresponds with the date of your wedding. For instance, some types of music may not fit with the more subdued nature of Advent or the Lenten seasons of the Catholic Church's Liturgical Calendar year. Our Music Director will guide you through these sensitivities as they relate to the liturgical calendar and will help you make suitable musical selections for the wedding liturgy.
It is the responsibility of the Music Director to preserve the integrity of the liturgy as it regards to the musical portion of your ceremony. Your best choice for a vocal soloist may be found at St. Edward because they are familiar with the liturgy celebrated here. In cases where it is important to the bride or groom to have a friend or relative sing at the wedding, provisions can be made to have them sing one or two selections. However, the balance of the music will be sung by those designed by the Music Director.
Outside of St. Edward Music Ministry, the Music Director has final approval for any friends, relatives or acquaintances you may have who wish to offer their vocal or instrumental assistance for your wedding. If there are any persons you plan to involve, please inform the priest/deacon and the Music Director to schedule a meeting with them for a brief rehearsal prior to the ceremony. The musician or instrumentalist is also required to provide the Music Director with a clear copy of their musical arrangement and the key they will be singing or playing. If any extra instruments (such as a harp, trumpet, cello, violin, etc.) are required, all must be coordinated in advance.
Stipends are expected for those who are providing music at the wedding. This includes for the Music Director, for vocalists, instrumentalists and any required technicians. Please see information on stewardship noted above.
The Christian Lifestyle is a radical departure from a culture marked by consumerism, individualism and materialism. In the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are challenged and called to share, serve others and be a part of a community of faith.
There is no cost to receive any Sacrament in the Catholic Church. All are moments of grace are given freely by God to those who request them in faith. However, it is customary for you and your fiancé(e) to provide an offering to the parish. Your sacrificial gift of stewardship is not "a buying" of anything but rather a grateful return to God for the many gifts he has bestowed on you. In short, you need to realize that while you are still on this earth, you are only a steward of all the things God has bestowed on you. We give to God first!
We strongly encourage both the future Bride & Groom to fully review all of the guidelines we have posted before moving on to next step. Our parish has a desire to make this an amazing process for every couple.
If you are ready to begin the process of completing the Sacrament of Marriage at our parish, your next step will be to complete our online Wedding Application. This process will take approximately five (5) to ten (10) minutes. When submitted, our Parish Office will contact you with next steps.
Thank you for requesting information about receiving the Sacrament of Marriage at our parish!
Please expect an e-mail (from or a phone cal in the coming days. If you do not recieve a response within five (5) business days, do not hesitate to contact the Parish Office at 954-436-7944.
19000 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines, FL, 33029